なので内部のスクリプトを弄ってmarkdown pdf関係の書類をクラウドなどで共有できるようにした,これならコピペ不要
さらにどの場所でmarkdown pdfをやっても必ず同じ結果が得られるようになる,ただしvscodeの環境設定で弄れる範囲を除く
まずmarkdown pdf拡張機能のコアファイルのextension.js(ここの最後の方でいじってたやつ)を以下でコピペして上書きする,だいたい1050行くらい
. ├── base │ └── base.html ├── plugins │ └── math │ ├── math.css │ ├── math.html │ └── math.js ├── template │ ├── template.css │ ├── template.html │ └── template.js └── test ├── test.html └── test.md
ここのmathとはmarkdown pdf上でkatexを動かすのに必要な設定やマクロなどを集めたもので,導入スクリプトと設定スクリプトで分けてある
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>{{{title}}}</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> {{{frame}}} {{{style}}} {{{script}}} {{{mermaid}}} <script> // insert your test script! console.log("rendered from base.html!"); </script> </head> <body> <script> mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true, theme: document.body.classList.contains('vscode-dark') || document.body.classList.contains('vscode-high-contrast') ? 'dark' : 'default' }); </script> {{{content}}} </body> </html>
'use strict'; var vscode = require('vscode'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var url = require('url'); var os = require('os'); const { least } = require('d3-array'); var INSTALL_CHECK = false; // set mother directory path for entire files as String. const myGroundPath="/hogehoge/hugahuga/markdownPdf"; // set list of extensions as List[String,String...]. // you should place files like // // markdownPdf // ├ foo // │ ├ foo.html // │ ├ foo.js // │ ├ foo.css // ├ bar // │ ├ bar.html // . ... // //. const myPluginList=["foo","bar"]; function activate(context) { init(); var commands = [ vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.markdown-pdf.settings', async function () { await markdownPdf('settings'); }), vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.markdown-pdf.pdf', async function () { await markdownPdf('pdf'); }), vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.markdown-pdf.html', async function () { await markdownPdf('html'); }), vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.markdown-pdf.png', async function () { await markdownPdf('png'); }), vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.markdown-pdf.jpeg', async function () { await markdownPdf('jpeg'); }), vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.markdown-pdf.all', async function () { await markdownPdf('all'); }) ]; commands.forEach(function (command) { context.subscriptions.push(command); }); var isConvertOnSave = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['convertOnSave']; if (isConvertOnSave) { var disposable_onsave = vscode.workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument(function () { markdownPdfOnSave(); }); context.subscriptions.push(disposable_onsave); } } exports.activate = activate; // this method is called when your extension is deactivated function deactivate() { } exports.deactivate = deactivate; async function markdownPdf(option_type) { try { // check active window var editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (!editor) { vscode.window.showWarningMessage('No active Editor!'); return; } // check markdown mode var mode = editor.document.languageId; if (mode != 'markdown') { vscode.window.showWarningMessage('It is not a markdown mode!'); return; } var uri = editor.document.uri; var mdfilename = uri.fsPath; var ext = path.extname(mdfilename); if (!isExistsPath(mdfilename)) { if (editor.document.isUntitled) { vscode.window.showWarningMessage('Please save the file!'); return; } vscode.window.showWarningMessage('File name does not get!'); return; } var types_format = ['html', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpeg']; var filename = ''; var types = []; if (types_format.indexOf(option_type) >= 0) { types[0] = option_type; } else if (option_type === 'settings') { var types_tmp = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['type'] || 'pdf'; if (types_tmp && !Array.isArray(types_tmp)) { types[0] = types_tmp; } else { types = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['type'] || 'pdf'; } } else if (option_type === 'all') { types = types_format; } else { showErrorMessage('markdownPdf().1 Supported formats: html, pdf, png, jpeg.'); return; } // convert and export markdown to pdf, html, png, jpeg if (types && Array.isArray(types) && types.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var type = types[i]; if (types_format.indexOf(type) >= 0) { filename = mdfilename.replace(ext, '.' + type); var text = editor.document.getText(); var content = convertMarkdownToHtml(mdfilename, type, text); var html = makeHtml(content, uri); await exportPdf(html, filename, type, uri); } else { showErrorMessage('markdownPdf().2 Supported formats: html, pdf, png, jpeg.'); return; } } } else { showErrorMessage('markdownPdf().3 Supported formats: html, pdf, png, jpeg.'); return; } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('markdownPdf()', error); } } function markdownPdfOnSave() { try { var editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; var mode = editor.document.languageId; if (mode != 'markdown') { return; } if (!isMarkdownPdfOnSaveExclude()) { markdownPdf('settings'); } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('markdownPdfOnSave()', error); } } function isMarkdownPdfOnSaveExclude() { try{ var editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; var filename = path.basename(editor.document.fileName); var patterns = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['convertOnSaveExclude'] || ''; var pattern; var i; if (patterns && Array.isArray(patterns) && patterns.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { pattern = patterns[i]; var re = new RegExp(pattern); if (re.test(filename)) { return true; } } } return false; } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('isMarkdownPdfOnSaveExclude()', error); } } /* * convert markdown to html (markdown-it) */ function convertMarkdownToHtml(filename, type, text) { var grayMatter = require("gray-matter"); var matterParts = grayMatter(text); try { try { var statusbarmessage = vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage('$(markdown) Converting (convertMarkdownToHtml) ...'); var hljs = require('highlight.js'); var breaks = setBooleanValue(matterParts.data.breaks, vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['breaks']); var md = require('markdown-it')({ html: true, breaks: breaks, highlight: function (str, lang) { if (lang && lang.match(/\bmermaid\b/i)) { return `<div class="mermaid">${str}</div>`; } if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) { try { str = hljs.highlight(lang, str, true).value; } catch (error) { str = md.utils.escapeHtml(str); showErrorMessage('markdown-it:highlight', error); } } else { str = md.utils.escapeHtml(str); } return '<pre class="hljs"><code><div>' + str + '</div></code></pre>'; } }); } catch (error) { statusbarmessage.dispose(); showErrorMessage('require(\'markdown-it\')', error); } // convert the img src of the markdown var cheerio = require('cheerio'); var defaultRender = md.renderer.rules.image; md.renderer.rules.image = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { var token = tokens[idx]; var href = token.attrs[token.attrIndex('src')][1]; // console.log("original href: " + href); if (type === 'html') { href = decodeURIComponent(href).replace(/("|')/g, ''); } else { href = convertImgPath(href, filename); } // console.log("converted href: " + href); token.attrs[token.attrIndex('src')][1] = href; // // pass token to default renderer. return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self); }; if (type !== 'html') { // convert the img src of the html md.renderer.rules.html_block = function (tokens, idx) { var html = tokens[idx].content; var $ = cheerio.load(html); $('img').each(function () { var src = $(this).attr('src'); var href = convertImgPath(src, filename); $(this).attr('src', href); }); return $.html(); }; } // checkbox md.use(require('markdown-it-checkbox')); // emoji var emoji_f = setBooleanValue(matterParts.data.emoji, vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['emoji']); if (emoji_f) { var emojies_defs = require(path.join(__dirname, 'data', 'emoji.json')); try { var options = { defs: emojies_defs }; } catch (error) { statusbarmessage.dispose(); showErrorMessage('markdown-it-emoji:options', error); } md.use(require('markdown-it-emoji'), options); md.renderer.rules.emoji = function (token, idx) { var emoji = token[idx].markup; var emojipath = path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'emoji-images', 'pngs', emoji + '.png'); var emojidata = readFile(emojipath, null).toString('base64'); if (emojidata) { return '<img class="emoji" alt="' + emoji + '" src="data:image/png;base64,' + emojidata + '" />'; } else { return ':' + emoji + ':'; } }; } // toc // https://github.com/leff/markdown-it-named-headers var options = { slugify: Slug } md.use(require('markdown-it-named-headers'), options); // markdown-it-container // https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it-container md.use(require('markdown-it-container'), '', { validate: function (name) { return name.trim().length; }, render: function (tokens, idx) { if (tokens[idx].info.trim() !== '') { return `<div class="${tokens[idx].info.trim()}">\n`; } else { return `</div>\n`; } } }); // PlantUML // https://github.com/gmunguia/markdown-it-plantuml var plantumlOptions = { openMarker: matterParts.data.plantumlOpenMarker || vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['plantumlOpenMarker'] || '@startuml', closeMarker: matterParts.data.plantumlCloseMarker || vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['plantumlCloseMarker'] || '@enduml', server: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['plantumlServer'] || '' } md.use(require('markdown-it-plantuml'), plantumlOptions); // markdown-it-include // https://github.com/camelaissani/markdown-it-include // the syntax is :[alt-text](relative-path-to-file.md) // https://talk.commonmark.org/t/transclusion-or-including-sub-documents-for-reuse/270/13 if (vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['markdown-it-include']['enable']) { md.use(require("markdown-it-include"), { root: path.dirname(filename), includeRe: /:\[.+\]\((.+\..+)\)/i }); } statusbarmessage.dispose(); return md.render(matterParts.content); } catch (error) { statusbarmessage.dispose(); showErrorMessage('convertMarkdownToHtml()', error); } } /* * https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/ca4ceeb87d4ff935c52a7af0671ed9779657e7bd/extensions/markdown-language-features/src/slugify.ts#L26 */ function Slug(string) { try { var stg = encodeURI( string.trim() .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace whitespace with - .replace(/[\]\[\!\'\#\$\%\&\(\)\*\+\,\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\_\{\|\}\~\`。,、;:?!…—·ˉ¨‘’“”々~‖∶"'`|〃〔〕〈〉《》「」『』.〖〗【】()[]{}]/g, '') // Remove known punctuators .replace(/^\-+/, '') // Remove leading - .replace(/\-+$/, '') // Remove trailing - ); return stg; } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('Slug()', error); } } /* * make html */ function makeHtml(data, uri) { try { // get title let title = path.basename(uri.fsPath); // read base let filePath = path.join(myGroundPath,'base','base.html') var base = readFile(filePath); // read frames let frame = ''; frame += readFrames(uri); // read styles let style = ''; style += readStyles(uri); // read scripts let script = ''; script += readScripts(uri); // read mermaid javascripts let mermaidServer = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['mermaidServer'] || ''; let mermaid = '<script src=\"' + mermaidServer + '\"></script>'; // compile html let mustache = require('mustache'); let view = { title: title, frame: frame, style: style, script: script, content: data, mermaid: mermaid }; return mustache.render(base, view); } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('makeHtml()', error); } } /* * export a html to a html file */ function exportHtml(data, filename) { fs.writeFile(filename, data, 'utf-8', function (error) { if (error) { showErrorMessage('exportHtml()', error); return; } }); } /* * export a html to a pdf file (html-pdf) */ function exportPdf(data, filename, type, uri) { if (!INSTALL_CHECK) { return; } if (!checkPuppeteerBinary()) { showErrorMessage('Chromium or Chrome does not exist! \ See https://github.com/yzane/vscode-markdown-pdf#install'); return; } var StatusbarMessageTimeout = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['StatusbarMessageTimeout']; vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage(''); var exportFilename = getOutputDir(filename, uri); return vscode.window.withProgress({ location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification, title: '[Markdown PDF]: Exporting (' + type + ') ...' }, async () => { try { // export html if (type == 'html') { exportHtml(data, exportFilename); vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage('$(markdown) ' + exportFilename, StatusbarMessageTimeout); return; } const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core'); // create temporary file var f = path.parse(filename); var tmpfilename = path.join(f.dir, f.name + '_tmp.html'); exportHtml(data, tmpfilename); var options = { executablePath: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['executablePath'] || puppeteer.executablePath(), args: ['--lang='+vscode.env.language, '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'] // Setting Up Chrome Linux Sandbox // https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/troubleshooting.md#setting-up-chrome-linux-sandbox }; const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(vscode.Uri.file(tmpfilename).toString(), { waitUntil: 'networkidle0', timeout:0}); // generate pdf // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#pagepdfoptions if (type == 'pdf') { // If width or height option is set, it overrides the format option. // In order to set the default value of page size to A4, we changed it from the specification of puppeteer. var width_option = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['width'] || ''; var height_option = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['height'] || ''; var format_option = ''; if (!width_option && !height_option) { format_option = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['format'] || 'A4'; } var landscape_option; if (vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['orientation'] == 'landscape') { landscape_option = true; } else { landscape_option = false; } var options = { path: exportFilename, scale: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['scale'], displayHeaderFooter: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['displayHeaderFooter'], headerTemplate: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['headerTemplate'] || '', footerTemplate: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['footerTemplate'] || '', printBackground: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['printBackground'], landscape: landscape_option, pageRanges: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['pageRanges'] || '', format: format_option, width: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['width'] || '', height: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['height'] || '', margin: { top: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['margin']['top'] || '', right: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['margin']['right'] || '', bottom: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['margin']['bottom'] || '', left: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf', uri)['margin']['left'] || '' } } await page.pdf(options); } // generate png and jpeg // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#pagescreenshotoptions if (type == 'png' || type == 'jpeg') { // Quality options do not apply to PNG images. var quality_option; if (type == 'png') { quality_option = undefined; } if (type == 'jpeg') { quality_option = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['quality'] || 100; } // screenshot size var clip_x_option = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['clip']['x'] || null; var clip_y_option = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['clip']['y'] || null; var clip_width_option = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['clip']['width'] || null; var clip_height_option = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['clip']['height'] || null; var options; if (clip_x_option !== null && clip_y_option !== null && clip_width_option !== null && clip_height_option !== null) { options = { path: exportFilename, quality: quality_option, fullPage: false, clip: { x: clip_x_option, y: clip_y_option, width: clip_width_option, height: clip_height_option, }, omitBackground: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['omitBackground'], } } else { options = { path: exportFilename, quality: quality_option, fullPage: true, omitBackground: vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['omitBackground'], } } await page.screenshot(options); } await browser.close(); // delete temporary file var debug = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['debug'] || false; if (!debug) { if (isExistsPath(tmpfilename)) { deleteFile(tmpfilename); } } vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage('$(markdown) ' + exportFilename, StatusbarMessageTimeout); } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('exportPdf()', error); } } // async ); // vscode.window.withProgress } function isExistsPath(path) { if (path.length === 0) { return false; } try { fs.accessSync(path); return true; } catch (error) { console.warn(error.message); return false; } } function isExistsDir(dirname) { if (dirname.length === 0) { return false; } try { if (fs.statSync(dirname).isDirectory()) { return true; } else { console.warn('Directory does not exist!') ; return false; } } catch (error) { console.warn(error.message); return false; } } function deleteFile (path) { var rimraf = require('rimraf') rimraf.sync(path); } function getOutputDir(filename, resource) { try { var outputDir; if (resource === undefined) { return filename; } var outputDirectory = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['outputDirectory'] || ''; if (outputDirectory.length === 0) { return filename; } // Use a home directory relative path If it starts with ~. if (outputDirectory.indexOf('~') === 0) { outputDir = outputDirectory.replace(/^~/, os.homedir()); mkdir(outputDir); return path.join(outputDir, path.basename(filename)); } // Use path if it is absolute if (path.isAbsolute(outputDirectory)) { if (!isExistsDir(outputDirectory)) { showErrorMessage(`The output directory specified by the markdown-pdf.outputDirectory option does not exist.\ Check the markdown-pdf.outputDirectory option. ` + outputDirectory); return; } return path.join(outputDirectory, path.basename(filename)); } // Use a workspace relative path if there is a workspace and markdown-pdf.outputDirectoryRootPath = workspace var outputDirectoryRelativePathFile = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['outputDirectoryRelativePathFile']; let root = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(resource); if (outputDirectoryRelativePathFile === false && root) { outputDir = path.join(root.uri.fsPath, outputDirectory); mkdir(outputDir); return path.join(outputDir, path.basename(filename)); } // Otherwise look relative to the markdown file outputDir = path.join(path.dirname(resource.fsPath), outputDirectory); mkdir(outputDir); return path.join(outputDir, path.basename(filename)); } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('getOutputDir()', error); } } function mkdir(path) { if (isExistsDir(path)) { return; } var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); return mkdirp.sync(path); } function readFile(filename, encode) { if (filename.length === 0) { return ''; } if (!encode && encode !== null) { encode = 'utf-8'; } if (filename.indexOf('file://') === 0) { if (process.platform === 'win32') { filename = filename.replace(/^file:\/\/\//, '') } else { filename = filename.replace(/^file:\/\//, ''); } } if (isExistsPath(filename)) { return fs.readFileSync(filename, encode); } else { return ''; } } function convertImgPath(src, filename) { try { var href = decodeURIComponent(src); href = href.replace(/("|')/g, '') .replace(/\\/g, '/') .replace(/#/g, '%23'); var protocol = url.parse(href).protocol; if (protocol === 'file:' && href.indexOf('file:///') !==0) { return href.replace(/^file:\/\//, 'file:///'); } else if (protocol === 'file:') { return href; } else if (!protocol || path.isAbsolute(href)) { href = path.resolve(path.dirname(filename), href).replace(/\\/g, '/') .replace(/#/g, '%23'); if (href.indexOf('//') === 0) { return 'file:' + href; } else if (href.indexOf('/') === 0) { return 'file://' + href; } else { return 'file:///' + href; } } else { return src; } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('convertImgPath()', error); } } // series of makes. function makeFrame(filename) { try { let frame = readFile(filename); if (frame) { return '\n' + frame + '\n'; } else { return ''; } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage("makeFrame()",error); } } function makeStyle(filename) { try { let css = readFile(filename); if (css) { return '\n<style>\n' + css + '\n</style>\n'; } else { return ''; } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('makeStyle()', error); } } function makeScript(filename) { try { let script = readFile(filename); if (script) { return '\n<script>\n' + script + '\n</script>\n'; } else { return ''; } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage("makeScript()",error); } } // series of reads. function readFrames(uri) { try { let frame=''; let filePath=''; let fileName=''; let filePlace=''; let frameList=[]; let i=0; // 0. read the frame of template. filePath = path.join(myGroundPath,'template','template.html'); frame += makeFrame(filePath); vscode.window.showInformationMessage("get template.html"); // 1. read the frame of plugins. filePlace = path.join(myGroundPath,'plugins') frameList = myPluginList; if (frameList && Array.isArray(frameList) && frameList.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < frameList.length; i++) { fileName = frameList[i] + ".html"; filePath = path.join(filePlace,frameList[i],fileName); frame += makeFrame(filePath); } vscode.window.showInformationMessage("get frame plugins"); } vscode.window.showInformationMessage("finish readFrames!"); return frame; } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('readFrames()', error); } } function readStyles(uri) { try { let style=''; let filePath=''; let fileName=''; let filePlace=''; let styleList=[]; let i=0; let href=''; var includeDefaultStyles = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['includeDefaultStyles']; var highlightStyle = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['highlightStyle'] || ''; var ishighlight = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['highlight']; // 0. read the frame of template. filePath = path.join(myGroundPath,'template','template.css'); style += makeStyle(filePath); vscode.window.showInformationMessage("get template.css"); // 1. read the style of the vscode. if (includeDefaultStyles) { filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'styles', 'markdown.css'); style += makeStyle(filePath); } // 2. read the style of the markdown.styles setting. if (includeDefaultStyles) { styleList = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown')['styles']; if (styleList && Array.isArray(styleList) && styleList.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < styleList.length; i++) { href = fixHref(uri, styleList[i]); style += '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"' + href + '\" type=\"text/css\">'; } } } // 3. read the style of the highlight.js. if (ishighlight) { if (highlightStyle) { var css = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['highlightStyle'] || 'github.css'; filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'highlight.js', 'styles', css); style += makeStyle(filePath); } else { filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'styles', 'tomorrow.css'); style += makeStyle(filePath); } } // 4. read the style of the markdown-pdf. if (includeDefaultStyles) { filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'styles', 'markdown-pdf.css'); style += makeStyle(filePath); } // 5. read the style of the markdown-pdf.styles settings. styleList = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['styles'] || ''; if (styleList && Array.isArray(styleList) && styleList.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < styleList.length; i++) { href = fixHref(uri, styleList[i]); style += '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"' + href + '\" type=\"text/css\">'; } } // 6. read the frame of plugins. filePlace = path.join(myGroundPath,'plugins') styleList = myPluginList; if (styleList && Array.isArray(styleList) && styleList.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < styleList.length; i++) { fileName = styleList[i] + ".css"; filePath = path.join(filePlace,styleList[i],fileName); style += makeStyle(filePath); } vscode.window.showInformationMessage("get style plugins"); } vscode.window.showInformationMessage("finish readFrames!"); return style; } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('readStyles()', error); } } function readScripts(uri) { try { let script=''; let filePath=''; let fileName=''; let filePlace=''; let scriptList=[]; let i=0; // 0. read the frame of template. filePath = path.join(myGroundPath,'template','template.js'); script += makeScript(filePath); vscode.window.showInformationMessage("get template.js"); // 1. read the frame of plugins. filePlace = path.join(myGroundPath,'plugins') scriptList = myPluginList; if (scriptList && Array.isArray(scriptList) && scriptList.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < scriptList.length; i++) { fileName = scriptList[i] + ".js"; filePath = path.join(filePlace,scriptList[i],fileName); script += makeScript(filePath); } vscode.window.showInformationMessage("get script plugins"); } vscode.window.showInformationMessage("finish readScripts!"); return script; } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('readScripts()', error); } } /* * vscode/extensions/markdown-language-features/src/features/previewContentProvider.ts fixHref() * https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/blob/0c47c04e85bc604288a288422f0a7db69302a323/extensions/markdown-language-features/src/features/previewContentProvider.ts#L95 * * Extension Authoring: Adopting Multi Root Workspace APIs ?E Microsoft/vscode Wiki * https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/wiki/Extension-Authoring:-Adopting-Multi-Root-Workspace-APIs */ function fixHref(resource, href) { try { if (!href) { return href; } // Use href if it is already an URL const hrefUri = vscode.Uri.parse(href); if (['http', 'https'].indexOf(hrefUri.scheme) >= 0) { return hrefUri.toString(); } // Use a home directory relative path If it starts with ^. if (href.indexOf('~') === 0) { return vscode.Uri.file(href.replace(/^~/, os.homedir())).toString(); } // Use href as file URI if it is absolute if (path.isAbsolute(href)) { return vscode.Uri.file(href).toString(); } // Use a workspace relative path if there is a workspace and markdown-pdf.stylesRelativePathFile is false var stylesRelativePathFile = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['stylesRelativePathFile']; let root = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(resource); if (stylesRelativePathFile === false && root) { return vscode.Uri.file(path.join(root.uri.fsPath, href)).toString(); } // Otherwise look relative to the markdown file return vscode.Uri.file(path.join(path.dirname(resource.fsPath), href)).toString(); } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('fixHref()', error); } } function checkPuppeteerBinary() { try { // settings.json var executablePath = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['executablePath'] || '' if (isExistsPath(executablePath)) { INSTALL_CHECK = true; return true; } // bundled Chromium const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core'); executablePath = puppeteer.executablePath(); if (isExistsPath(executablePath)) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('checkPuppeteerBinary()', error); } } /* * puppeteer install.js * https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/install.js */ function installChromium() { try { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('[Markdown PDF] Installing Chromium ...'); var statusbarmessage = vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage('$(markdown) Installing Chromium ...'); // proxy setting setProxy(); var StatusbarMessageTimeout = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown-pdf')['StatusbarMessageTimeout']; const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core'); const browserFetcher = puppeteer.createBrowserFetcher(); const revision = require(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'puppeteer-core', 'package.json')).puppeteer.chromium_revision; const revisionInfo = browserFetcher.revisionInfo(revision); // download Chromium browserFetcher.download(revisionInfo.revision, onProgress) .then(() => browserFetcher.localRevisions()) .then(onSuccess) .catch(onError); function onSuccess(localRevisions) { console.log('Chromium downloaded to ' + revisionInfo.folderPath); localRevisions = localRevisions.filter(revision => revision !== revisionInfo.revision); // Remove previous chromium revisions. const cleanupOldVersions = localRevisions.map(revision => browserFetcher.remove(revision)); if (checkPuppeteerBinary()) { INSTALL_CHECK = true; statusbarmessage.dispose(); vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage('$(markdown) Chromium installation succeeded!', StatusbarMessageTimeout); vscode.window.showInformationMessage('[Markdown PDF] Chromium installation succeeded.'); return Promise.all(cleanupOldVersions); } } function onError(error) { statusbarmessage.dispose(); vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage('$(markdown) ERROR: Failed to download Chromium!', StatusbarMessageTimeout); showErrorMessage('Failed to download Chromium! \ If you are behind a proxy, set the http.proxy option to settings.json and restart Visual Studio Code. \ See https://github.com/yzane/vscode-markdown-pdf#install', error); } function onProgress(downloadedBytes, totalBytes) { var progress = parseInt(downloadedBytes / totalBytes * 100); vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage('$(markdown) Installing Chromium ' + progress + '%' , StatusbarMessageTimeout); } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('installChromium()', error); } } function showErrorMessage(msg, error) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage('ERROR: ' + msg); console.log('ERROR: ' + msg); if (error) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage(error.toString()); console.log(error); } } function setProxy() { var https_proxy = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('http')['proxy'] || ''; if (https_proxy) { process.env.HTTPS_PROXY = https_proxy; process.env.HTTP_PROXY = https_proxy; } } function setBooleanValue(a, b) { if (a === false) { return false } else { return a || b } } function init() { try { if (checkPuppeteerBinary()) { INSTALL_CHECK = true; } else { installChromium(); } } catch (error) { showErrorMessage('init()', error); } }